Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Masterclass on SuperShoes

The new class of super shoes are indeed faster, but there’s a lot of confusion out there. Do they work? How do they work? Are there any issues to be aware of? In this MasterClass, I’ll break this all down in elegant simplicity.

 If you are a runner, clinician, or just a shoe nerd, this should help shape your understanding of this exciting time in running technology.  As a leader in the sports performance sector, I’ve worked to optimize each athlete, and each piece of equipment they use.

Time trial and triathlon bikes revolutionized cycling performance. Super slippery fabrics brought advantages to competitive swimming.Technology in sport is nothing new, but the new breed of super shoes does provide some advantages.

In this MasterClass we’ll cover the Top 5 things you need to know about Super Shoes:

1. Cushioning vs Compliance
2. Springs, Stack Height, and Pogosticks
3. Tuning Shoes for Performance
4. Springs, Direction, and Instability
5. How Super Shoes Affect Your Running Form

Hope you enjoy it, and keep this in mind when hearing the latest gossip on group runs and chat forums!

Strength Running Podcast: 4 Critical Skills Needed to Run Well

In my book Running Rewired, I make a strong case (backed by thousands of individual running gait analysis findings in my research lab) that runners need to bring not just FITNESS, but SKILL to the table.

If you’d like to hear a bit more, I hope you join The Host of The Strength Running Podcast, Jason Fitzgerald and I as we delve into just this. The goal isn’t to take up your time, but rather to help you progress as an athlete to ensure that you show up READY to every workout!

Join us at the link here

MovementFix Podcast: Run Programming and Training

What type of runs improve your running performance? What type intensity should you use? How often should you train? What type of gains can be made with speedwork? Whats the difference between threshold intervals and VO2 Max intervals? How long should I recover between intervals? What does sprinting do? How do I integrate my strength and power work into my run training? If you’ve ever wondered about any of these questions, you REALLY should give this episode a lesson.

What started as a light-hearted discussion for Ryan (the host!) to plan his workouts for the week turned into one of the most content packed training + programming talks I’ve ever had recorded. Seriously. Put this episode on your MUST LISTEN list. Enjoy it!

Triathlete Mag Podcast

TriathletePodcastIn episode 7 of Fitter & Faster, physical therapist Jay Dicharry joins host Emma-Kate Lidbury to talk about injury prevention. Dicharry is an expert in the field of movement and biomechanical analysis and has helped thousands of triathletes overcome injury. He gives some great insights into how to stay injury-free, perhaps the most important of all being learning how to move well and building a body that is strong and robust enough to withstand the many hundreds of miles you want to swim, bike, and run.

Dicharry, who is the author of Running Rewired, also talks about some of the biggest mistakes he sees triathletes making and gives us some exercises to help keep injuries at bay.

Its cold. Its the off season. Its GarageFit!

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It’s winter- time for GarageFit!
Got a garage?
Got a few friends? (really hope this is a yes)
Got a MOBO ?
Got a box?
Got resistance a band?

This is all you need to improve durability this off season. The whole workout takes less than 40 min. You can laugh and heckle your friends, and build whole body, stability, control, and bone density all at the same time.

To see the full story I wrote, head on over to PodiumRunner – and have a great workout!

The Toilet Bowl of Doom: Trail Runner Nation Episode 442

TrailRunnerNationDicharryRunning is so much more about just going hard and grunting through it. I recorded a GREAT podcast with Trail Runner Nation that came out today. Check it out as we discuss everything from posture to foot control (seriously – this is one you’ll likely listen to a few times over as we covered SO much). We need to build control and awareness for a better you. Plenty of actionable tips and drills in this one that you can do NOW and your next run. Thanks Trail Runner Nation for a great chat!


MOBO.launchMOBO Launch Day!

Over my career, I’ve worked with tens of thousands of athletes. They train. Some do cross training. Some even hit the gym to train their glutes, hamstrings, quads, lats, and pecs. But through my research lab I’ve seen a common trend play out that no one does anything for their feet – and as an athlete, your connection point to the ground matters!
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I’ve developed a novel approach to improving foot control, but there are millions of YOU and only one of ME. I wanted to scale my approach, and I prototyped, developed the product you see here. MOBO is a patent pending tool to improve your durability and performance as an athlete.
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Please see + follow us on Instagram @mobo.board for more information and tips

Looking for CME’s? Join me @ my Running Rewired Course in Colorado with GaitHappens

Hey all –

I get a lot of requests for teaching, only so much time to go around right?

This year, the only remaining course I have open to the public is @ GaitHappens this June 29 + 30. The course title is Running Rewired after my new book, but we are going to cover so much more depth: everything from MSK eval and how it correlates to running gait, to running gait assessments, Gait cues for specific injuries, Rebuilding the Foot, Impact of upper body on running form, running shoes, and strength and conditioning for running athletes. If you are a clinician or coach you’ll find tons of foundational knowledge and skills you can use next week With your patients and athletes. To register, please see GaitHappens

The great folks at SmartEducation made this course video when I taught Running Rewired there last year. Check it out! I’m heading back there again this fall, but the courses are already sold out. Hope to see you in person soon in Colorado!

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